rayanclass.com was registered 5 years 8 months ago. It has a global Alexa ranking #528,785 and ranked 16599th in Iran. It is a domain having com extension. rayanclass.com receives about 1,644 unique visitors and 3,288 page views per day which should earn about $ 10.00/day from advertising revenue.Estimated site value is $ 2,400.00. According to SiteAdvisor, rayanclass.com is safe to visit.Its web server is located in Iran, with IP address
Title: | راÛا٠کÙاس - Ú©Ùاس ÙØ§Û Ú©ÙÚ©Ùر Ø¢ÙÙاÛ٠با... |
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Alexa Rank: | #528,785 |
Daily Revenue: | $ 10.00 | Daily visitors: | 1,644 | Daily Pageviews: | 3,288 | Google Analytics: | UA-171126682-1 |
Created: | 2019-02-25 |
Updated: | 2020-01-24 |
Registrar: | 1API GmbH |
IP Address: | |
Host Location: | Iran |
DNS: | ns1.rayanclass.com ns2.rayanclass.com |
Global Rank | 528,785 |
Delta | -586231 |
Reach Rank | 574510 |
Country | Iran |
Rank in Country | 16599 |
Host | Type | TTL | Extra |
rayanclass.com | A | 3599 |
IP: |
rayanclass.com | NS | 3600 |
Target: ns2.rayanclass.com |
rayanclass.com | NS | 3600 |
Target: ns1.rayanclass.com |
rayanclass.com | SOA | 3600 |
MNAME: ns1.rayanclass.com RNAME: hostmaster Serial: 25 Refresh: 3600 Retry: 600 Expire: 1209600 |
rayanclass.com | MX | 3600 |
Priority: 10 Target: mx.zoho.com |
rayanclass.com | MX | 3600 |
Priority: 50 Target: mx3.zoho.com |
rayanclass.com | MX | 3600 |
Priority: 20 Target: mx2.zoho.com |
rayanclass.com | TXT | 3600 |
TXT: v=spf1 include:zoho.com ~all |
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Date: 2020-01-24T16:15:01Z
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